Orgapower™ Biostimulators | Orgaworld
> Orgapower™ Biostimulators

High-quality organic 'crop improvers'

We are transforming organic waste more and more into unique and environmentally friendly agricultural products. We produce different types of biostimulators with amazing soil and crop improvement characteristics. There is a reason why these products,sold as part of the Orgapower brand, are used by a growing group of farmers to help improve their land in a sustainable fashion as well as to help increase their yields.

How it works

Orgapower Biostimulators contain a high concentration of micro-organisms also naturally found in soil. This includes fungi like the Trichoderma Harzianum T22 strain - the first strain recognized in the Netherlands as beneficial to plants and has been approved by the Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides. The symbiotic fungi-plant relationship which takes place when Orgaworld Biostimulators are added to the soil results in the creation of a web of hyphal threads around the root. This is beneficial to the absorption of minerals and water by the plant. At the same time, harmful micro-organisms which are present in the soil have a reduced likelihood of developing, thereby preventing the rapid growth of plant diseases.

Important benefits

Orgapower Biostimulators' production process is completely organic. This means they are ideal for farmers who care about the environment and want to make the most of their land. Plants that are grown on soil treated with an Orgapower Biostimulator have better resistance thanks to healthier soil conditions. This improves the quality of the product which is harvested.

Orgaworld Biostimulators:

  • create a better soil environment for the root structure, an active soil culture and improved water and manure levels.
  • promote root development
  • act as a preventative measure against all kinds of diseases which can affect plant roots
  • add organic nutrients to the soil.

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